KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
Strategic Partnerships for Schools

Our school Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Eliano Luzzatti is a State School resulting from the merger of two different institutions: a Secondary School focusing on Humanities and a Technical Secondary School with two main curricula: the first dealing with Economics, Marketing and Finance; the second one concerning construction and urban development. We have a total number of about 1400 pupils from 14 to 19 years old. The staff includes the Head Teacher, the Deputy, teachers, lab assistants and specialist teachers for disabled pupils, for an overall number of about 130 people.
Palestrina is a historical town not far from Rome, well known for its archeological remains and its Archeological Museum as well as for being the birthplace of Pierluigi da Palestrina, an Italian Renaissance composer of sacred music. The school is located in a campus not far from the town centre.
The mission of our school is to provide an education of excellence that meets each student’s interests, abilities and needs within a common curricular framework and reflects and promotes an understanding of, and appreciation for, diversity as an integral part of school life. Moreover, through a blend of curricular activities and a wide variety of projects, lectures, competitions and events organized all year long, we aim to develop intellectual independence, creativity and curiosity and a sense of responsibility toward others both within the School and in the community at large. Last but not least, the school challenges each student to develop a commitment to lifelong learning, active and global citizenship.
Finally, our school aims to be an inclusive environment where special needs and disabled pupils are integrated in the daily class activities. This means that they are supported by highly qualified teachers who help them to cope with their own learning objectives . These objectives are identified and selected for each single student and receive the support of the local heath care unit who is composed by a psychologist , a specialized doctor and therapists.
Special needs students are given the opportunity to be part of a mixed or integrated ability class in which their daily school routines are set. Main stream students and special need students are in the same classes and both of them definitely benefit from each other’s presence, being this very thing what is going to happen in real life.