KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
Strategic Partnerships for Schools
- introducing the project in partner schools
- creating Erasmus+ co rners in each of the schools
- international competition for the logo of the project
-introducing schools and towns on Twin Space
-online quiz on partner countries
-integration workshops for students in each partner school (twice a year)
- training sessions for teachers in each partner school (ICT)
- a celebration of International Mental Health Day in each partner school (each year)
- creating a virtual classroom in each school for its teachers
- workshops/classes on safe Internet use, cyberbullying, hating
- SAFER INTERNET DAY celebrations (each year)
- MAKE A GOOD CHOICE -job-oriented workshops (workshops aimed at showing students different job opportunities and career paths) (twice a year)
- meetings with students and graduates of different faculties close to the educational profiles of the schools
- a series of classes dealing with stress (how stress affects students’ health and general wellbeing, how to fight stress effectively)
- creating school media-library (consisting of TOP10 choices)
- enriching the schools’ sports base with some new equipment chosen according to the students needs
- students prepare short anti-hating video ads
- open lessons for parents and other teachers with the use of ICT tools at each partner school
- dissemination activities (articles, newsletters, online updates, interviews, leaflets, online school magazines etc)
- evaluation acitivities (questionnaires, interviews, observations etc)
Moreover, we have planned 3 students meetings:
- in Bulgaria - where the students and teachers will seek the best methods of dealing with everyday stress, have a first-hand experience of Bulgarian culture and observe and learn about the Bulgarian educational system and its good practices
- in Slovakia - where the students and teachers will experience the healing power of physical activity over their health, both physical and mental, have a deeper insight into depression, isolation and suicide, have a first-hand experience of Slovak culture and observe and learn about the Slovak educational system and its good practices
- in Italy - where the students and teachers will discuss the reasons and results of cyberbullying, they will produce materials to be used to fight cyber agression, have a first-hand experience of Italian culture and observe and learn about the Italian educational system and its good practices
There are also going to be two transnational meetings (in Poland and in Turkey) – only for teachers, at the beginning and the end of the project, to plan the project schedule in detail, to prepare and assess activities and to design and apply the evaluation tools and offer feedback on the project, to take part in training sessions and work